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EFI Mezzera Pre and Post Treatment Machines

Preparation Line

Greatest versatility in continuous preparation for open width fabrics
The purification of textile fibres gives the fabric all the characteristics for dyeing and printing processes. This treatment include mercerizing, bleaching and singeing opearations.

Washing Line

Open width washing
EFI Mezzera design and manufacturing washing line merges tradition and innovation into a reliable and versatile machine with the utmost care to reduce polluting agents and water consumption.

Dyeing Line

Extremely delicate treatment for first class fibers
Addressed mainly to first class yarns market with very fine counts and where careful and delicate treatment is fundamental throughout the entire dyeing process.

Denim Line

Indigo dyeing and denim finishing
After many years of successful work and results, today EFI Mezzera offers indigo dyeing technology with sealed Nitrogen Reactor for all the dyeing styles.

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